Scilla (Siberian Squill)

Scilla or Squill are a dainty yet hardy low-growing variety of Spring flower that are renowned for their excellent naturalising properties. Each Scilla or Squill bulb produces 3 to 4 flower stems that bear pretty bell-shaped blooms that sit atop dense grassy foliage consisting of narrow strap-like leaves. Easy to grow and very low maintenance, these little Spring wonders are a great addition for any gardener.

​​​​​​​Find top-sized scilla bulbs for sale on DutchGrown™ – we only supply the best quality bulbs ensuring optimal performance.

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Scilla Flower Bulbs from Holland

Scilla bulbs – the garden’s happy naturalisers

A carpet of scilla is a beautiful Spring sight – and due to the plant’s fast naturalising capabilities, it is a relatively quick and easy effect to achieve in your own garden or landscape. Plant your Squill bulbs where they are free to roam and enjoy the spectacle as these lovely little flowers multiply year on year. When Scilla bulbs have really found their happy spot, they can naturalise by both bulb offsets (baby bulbs on the sides of the mother bulb you’ve planted) as well as by self-sowing seed.

Where to plant Scilla bulbs

A drift of Scilla bulbs looks wonderful when planted on a lawn, and a swathe of Scilla under a tree or at the edge of a woodland looks magical. Scilla or squill also lend themselves well to being scattered throughout a rock garden. To extend the Spring floral show, you can mix Scilla bulbs with other early Spring bulbs that spread, such as snowdrops, crocuses or glory-of-the-snow, which bloom a little earlier. Scilla bulbs are pretty versatile as they can also be planted in containers and pots, and look particularly beautiful when planted alongside other Spring bulb such as narcissus or daffodils. They have a delightful fragrance and also make a lovely cut flower, adding charm and perfume to any Spring bouquet or floral arrangement. 

Buy top-quality Scilla bulbs for shipping to Europe and the UK

For the best-quality Scilla or Squill bulbs for sale, browse the carefully selected top-sized bulbs available at DutchGrown. We only supply top-sized bulbs for best performance. We ship our Scilla bulbs from Holland for Autumn planting.